National Volunteer Week
Celebrate NVW
National Volunteer Week 2025 - April 27 to May 4
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is a time to celebrate and thank Canada’s 24 million volunteers, without whom so many of Canada’s organizations and programs would not be able to function.
The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 was Every Moment Matters. It highlighted the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make at moments when we need support more than ever. We recognized and celebrated every volunteer and each contribution they made to strengthen inclusivity and well-being in our communities. Now more than ever, Every Moment Matters! #NVW2024 #EveryMomentMatters

NVW Photo Contest
Every year Volunteer BC helps celebrate volunteers by hosting a photo contest where organizations and individuals can post about the volunteers that help make their communities better. Let’s celebrate every volunteer and each contribution they’re making!