Anyone can join Volunteer BC. Whether you are an individual interested in learning more about volunteering, or an organization that engages volunteers, a membership with Volunteer BC can support you.
What does a membership do for you?
When you become a member, you make a powerful investment in the BC nonprofit sector and community.
Keeps you connected to BC’s volunteer community.
Participate in affordable learning events.
Stay up to date on trends, policies and best practices.
Help us be a stronger voice for volunteerism in British Columbia.
Chose Your Membership
50$Every yearFor community volunteers and any individual who supports the purposes of Volunteer BC.- Recommended
Voluntary Organization
95$Every yearVoluntary organizations that support the purposes of Volunteer BC, have similar values and demonstrate a commitment to volunteerism best practices.- Includes: non-profits, interest groups, businesses
Community Sponsor
195$Every yearFor profit businesses, government, municipalities and employers that engage their employees and stakeholders in the community.
Are you a Volunteer Centre?
Volunteer Centres are focused on promoting volunteering within a community or region and offer resources and volunteer opportunities. Please reach out to admin@volunteerbc.bc.ca to have your organization reviewed for Volunteer Centre Membership.
Benefits at a Glance:
Perkopolis deals
Subscription To Members Only Newsletter
Post volunteer positions on Volunteer Now
Use Volunteer BC Logo
Voting Rights At AGM
Members Only Access To Event Travel Subsidies
Ask an Expert – Governance, Leadership, Volunteer Management
Access To Volunteer BC Advocacy & Leadership Efforts
Preferred Partnership With OASSIS
Member Profile Highlights
Access to Members Area – Templates, Resources & More
Receive Volunteer BC Designed Promos for National Volunteer Week