Volunteer BC has been a leader and voice of volunteerism since 1979. Our organization was formed to support volunteerism, volunteer administration and Volunteer Centres in BC.
History of Movement of Volunteers
Volunteerism in British Columbia
As communities grew and became more complex, citizens wanted to find out where their donations of time were needed, and organizations needed ways to let people know where they could volunteer. Volunteer Centres emerged as a solution to both problems.
Engaging volunteers in the work of organizations was also getting more complicated. The profession of volunteer administration was born, and along with it a professional organization for managers of volunteers: the Administrators of Volunteer Resources BC (now VMPC).
As Volunteer Centres were established in more and more communities across Canada, a national organization, Volunteer Canada was founded.
Volunteer BC was formed to support volunteerism, volunteer administration and Volunteer Centres in BC.
Communities established centres across the province. Volunteer BC links the network of over 35 Volunteer Centres in British Columbia, and is the key conduit between community volunteers and the provincial voice for volunteerism.
Volunteerism is a core component of a healthy British Columbia. 43.9% of BC residents volunteer, contributing 269 million volunteer hours a year to better communities all across the province. That’s equivalent to over 60,000 full-time jobs.